
Thickness Gauges and Viscometers

Thickness Gauges and Viscometers, Didactic Scientific offer Thickness gauges provide highly accurate and reliable measurements for most substrates and coatings. These instruments are available with probes for non-destructible measurements. Multifunctional gauges provide basic measurement, scanning, adjustable sound velocity, USB output, and extended storage capabilities for additional flexibility. Viscometers are used to measure the viscosity of a fluid under defined flow conditions. The different types of viscometry instruments have either the fluid stationary and let the object pass through the fluid or vice-versa. Hence, these instruments measure the drag caused by the interaction between the fluid and the object surface. When you are on the move, get rid of clumsy cords and choose one of our portable viscometers. Didactic Scientific is leading in Thickness Gauges and Viscometers, Thickness Gauges and Viscometers Manufacturers, Thickness Gauges and Viscometers Suppliers, Thickness Gauges and Viscometers in UK, Thickness Gauges Manufacturers, Viscometers, Thickness Gauges, Thickness Gauges Suppliers in UK, Thickness Gauges and Viscometers Manufacturer in UK, throughout the world to be used in Schools, College and Universities.

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Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge

Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge....

Product Code: DIDACTICSCIENCE-TG3300001 - (Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge)