Drying Oven
Drying Oven, Didactic Scientific offer Drying Ovens are devices used to remove moisture from objects without cooking them. They are used for a variety of purposes, from sterilizing laboratory equipment to dehydrating foodstuffs such as raisins to extend their shelf life in the supermarket. Drying Oven large quantities of aggregate samples. Also in drying large quantities of soil samples. Microcomputer PID temperature controller with a timer function to ensure precise & reliable temperature control. Didactic Scientific is leading in Drying Oven, Drying Oven Suppliers, Drying Oven Manufacturers, Laboratory Drying Oven, Drying Oven in UK, Laboratory Oven, Table-Top Drying Oven, Vacuum Drying Oven, Drying Oven Manufacturer in UK, throughout the world to be used in Schools, College and Universities.
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